Monday, July 4, 2011

Weekly Consolidation: 9/13

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Run - 17km long run
AM: Cycle - 2x20min intervals followed by a short swim
PM: Run - 3x2k intervals
Saturday: Cycle - 92km long ride
Sunday: Run - 10k time trial

First few days of the week was off because of school exams. Not ideal considering the race is in 4 weeks, but studies come first.

Running wise I am still improving. The long run on Thursday was much better than last week's, as my left calf stopped hurting while running now. I attribute it to lots of rolling with the tennis ball which really helps a lot. My pace for the long run was 4:43, which meant that I unofficially had a new 10k pb.
Friday I decided to do some longer intervals at goal 10k pace, which was 4:30 and a 45min 10k. The sets went well considering the ride earlier that day and the long run the day before, and I went comfortably under 4:30 pace.
Sunday was the 10k TT and went perfectly. If you haven't done so you can read about it here.

The past couple of weeks I haven't been cycling much because of holiday and exams, so this week I didn't want to waste any sessions. Jumped right into a 2x20min set which, according to the folks at Slowtwitch, is one of the better workouts. Saturday was a long ride to get some saddle time, but it didn't go that well and I almost bonked around the 60km mark. It was probably because of the hard workouts the past few days that was taking its toll on my legs. But no worries because I managed to refuel in time and completed the ride, averaging 32.6kmh which still isn't too shabby. But compared to the long ride I did in May averaging 34.9...
Swimming has once again been neglected. I know I should spend more time in the pool with the race coming up real soon, but I keep prioritising cycling and running over swimming. Just hope I don't pay too badly for this during the race.
The next weekend I may do a 40k TT with aero helmet just to get used to the feeling and set a benchmark for myself to beat. Not really looking forward to doing 13 loops or so, but once its done and out of the way I will feel much better. Just like the 10k time trial.
There will also be more bricks to get my legs used to the jelly feeling. Hopefully with so many training sessions packed so closely together my legs are already used to feeling tired and running off the bike won't seem that tough.

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